Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ezra Matthew Miller is Life

Was born on 30th September 1992 at New Jersey. Yes, it's Ezra Matthew Miller or people usually know him as Ezra Miller. He's an actor and plays in some films like City Island, We Need To Talk About Kevin, Every Day, etc.

I first know him when I watched The Perks Of Being a Wallflower, where he's being 'Patrick' the gay one and the funny one.  When I watched it, i was just like "who's the one being Patrick?" then I began to search and search on Google and I found many photos of him then I fell in love with him.


Oh. I'm sorry. It's just when I talked about him, I'm freaking out and my fangirl soul comes out (So that I was just like Emily and suddenly Ezra Miller came and do the exorcism OMG AHAHA)

It's him when he plays as Kevin in We Need To Talk About Kevin.
Many people and articles said he's a gay. But, he described himself as a queer. " I’m queer. I have a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular. I’ve been trying to figure out relationships, you know?" he said.
He's dating a model now, named Erin Axtell and he has an ex-gf and fyi it's Zoe Kravitz. A FREAKIN ZOE KRAVITZ ERMAGHERD. All I know is Ezra and Zoe met when they play on Beware The Gonzo where in the film Ezra was fallen with Zoe AND IT'S CAME TRUE!! idk why they're broke up because they was the best couple ever:(

Ezra has a band too named Sons Of An Illustrious Father or you can call it SOAIF. SOAIF have 3 permanent members (Ezra, Lilah and Josh). They play so many genre, SOAIF's website says that, "They draw from a vast constellation of influences, from folk traditionals to contemporary hip-hop and the rich and varied history of rock ‘n’ roll in between. The result is music that explores the space between the ancient and modern, gentle and aggressive, strong and vulnerable, quiet and loud."

What I hate about Ezra is because he don't like to publish his life:( I mean, he don't have any interest with social media so his fans can only see Ezra on his fanpage or SOAIF's instagram/tumblr/twitter. He used to have a twitter, tho. @savethearctic. But I don't think it still works._.

The newest film that he starring is Madame Bovary that still coming soon. And on 2018, there's The Flash AND OMG HE'S THE ONE THAT BEING FLASH!! And i think about this year or next year, there's The Stanford Prison Experiment! I'm totally waiting for it.

Aandd, so that's Ezra Miller, my boyfie. AHAHA jk. He's Erin's. So, that's my INCOMPLETE research for Ezra Miller my future husband (amen.)

So, what's your fangirl story?;)

Another EM's sexy photoshoot >,<

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I don't really have a hobby. Like, really. But, i have a thing that i really (really.) love. It's music:).
Music can always make my day! Music always understands my feeling. And, with music, i can express my feeling too:)

"If you love music, why can't you play music?" they asked. Well, i love to hear it, but, i'm too lazy to learn it. Because, you know, music is complicated. I joined a private piano lesson, and after a year, i'm still a freakin beginner-_-. It's so hard ya' know. Besides, I join a choir:) You can call it Providentio Youth and Children Choir. It's a church choir with a great voice!;) Our (PYCC) vocal trainer + conductor named Boy Naffi. He has a really good voice and he makes us win many competition!! Really, without him, we're nothing. So, if you ask me "Do you know some basic of music?" yes,  ofcourse. Why? because, in the choir, our vocal trainer usually tells us the basics. So, yeah.

What i want to say is, I like music and singing because, with it we can express our feeling, so we don't feel lonely because music is with us. And about singing, with singing you can make yourself comfortable:) you don't have to have a great voice, just a little confident is enough.

So, singing is my hobby. What's yours?;)

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Nowadays, many people are gadget-freak. They will do anything for a new gadget, especially when people around them use the brand new gadget. It's like the gadget that controls them, not them that control the gadgets. They become gadget-slave.

Well, technological development is great. It has some positive impact, but it has some negative impact too. As i said, they can be a gadget-slave. They will do anything to get a new smartphone or gadget. Even selling their favorite things:| And with gadget, they can forget about time. Like, they can forget to take a bath, to eat(how can people forget to eat:' ). Time always flow, don't waste your time just on the gadget.

Like, I said, technology has some positive things too. Because of that technology, the internet, the gadget, you can communicate with your friend that so far away from you. Like, you're in Indonesia and he/she's in America.

So, it depends to how you work on it. If you can control yourself, the gadget, the technology can make your life better. But, if you can't control yourself, yes, it can make your life better too, but, not for a long time.


Friday, January 30, 2015


I think i don't have to explain anything haha. Because, everything that you need to know is already on the picture above. Yeah, that's teenager. When-you're-too-young-for-half-the-things-you-want-to-do-and-too-old-to-do-the-other-half.

When you're on the age between 13 'till 19, you're officially being a teenager. When you're on the 'teen-age' you think you're old enough for everything, but actually, you're not mature enough for that 'everything'. Because of that, teenagers do stupid things.

What do I mean? I mean, teenager nowadays are stupid. What makes them stupid? They harm themself physically and mentally, like smoke cigarette, get drunk, hang out 'till late night, cutting, have sexual relationship. Some teenagers also use drugs (example: smoke pot).

Why do they did that things? Because they think it's cool. Why did they think it's cool? because, people around them, their friends, also do that kind of things. Actually, most 'the teenager friends who are teenagers too' make them do that. Their(the teenager)friends will said that if they don't do what their friends do, it's not cool. So, they do that to make friends, so that their friends don't think they're 'uncool'.

What i want to say is, don't do stupid things, dear.  You're cool in your own way, okay. Just ignore people that say you're uncool. They're just jealous of you because your life is better than them:)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Days Off

Um, hi? hehe. So, this is my second post on my blog (omg i'm so freakin' out!><). This timeee, I'll post about my first-long-holiday-on-the-ninth-grade. Why'd I say it's the first long holiday? Because, actually, me and my friends are a bit more busier than before. The teachers are like running ya' know? Because, they teach in a fast way so the students can learn all of the lessons that are in the national exam. But, yeah, I still can follow what the teachers teach, what so ever.

Okay, enough about my school and teachers (haha). Now, I'll tell you about my holiday. Or, yeah, you could say it a boring-holiday.

On the Christmas Eve, my cousin from Jogjakarta named Clara came to my house with her parents to spent the holiday at mine's. Me and her is close enough, though. Well, actually, we don't act like cousins normally, we played, chat, and do stuffs like best friends. So, it's pretty fun when she came to my house lol. By the way, maybe you'll wonder, 'why'd Ariel said it was a boring holiday when she has a friend to play?' I'll tell you. Every a long holiday, my cousin that live under the same roof as mine would come back from Malang, because he studies there at a catholic school.  But, this holiday, he don't came back because there's a little problem with his parents. Like, really. So, I lost one of my precious 'holiday friends', and it's quiet boring when he's not around on holidays. Kay, back to my holiday story. I and Clara just chilling together on the malls like PIM or BXC, took some selfies (girls! haha), and some silly stuffs together.  There's a day when we skate together on Bx Ring and she can't skate, so she made me her tutor! Like, duh. But, in the end, because of the 'lessons' i gave to her, she can play skate! (proud\m/). And, every single night, we planned to stay up until sunrise and she always fell asleep at 4 a.m, and it's so annoying, really.

Aaaand, that's my holiday story hahaha. Nothing special happened on my last holiday, really. Just hangs out, chillin around, and stay up till dawn haha! This is my holiday story, what's yours?;)